Here are some frequently asked questions. The fastest way to get support is to check the common issues below. 

Click on each question to view the answer.

I bought the plans but I can't access it

After purchase, an email will be sent to you with your login credentials. Locate that email and login at our members page. 

If you encounter errors on the login page preventing you from logging in, try accessing the page on a computer instead of a mobile/tablet

 Also, try a different browser (Firefox/Chrome) if you're having trouble logging on your computer as well.

If you need further help, open a ticket

​Can I buy plans separately?

All the plans come in a complete package and cannot be purchased individually.

It doesn't make sense to purchase one plan when I'm offering this deal for my entire package at only $67.

 I've sold my plans separately for a lot more but I've bundled everything together due to repeated requests. I also thought it would be convenient for everyone. This offer will not last forever though. After my launch celebration, I will price the price back up to $297.

W​here can I see a sample of your plans?

You can download our free plans by entering your email address here. It is absolutely free and the plans will be sent to your inbox instantly.

How do I send this as a gift?

Simply purchase this normally with your details and send us a ticket after your purchase.

We'll transfer the membership over to your recipient and send him/her the welcome email. If you wish, you can also opt for the 2 DVD edition to be shipped to your recipient's address. 

​​Metric or imperial units?

Most of our plans come in both imperial and metric units. For plans which only include imperial units, we have a handy converter included as well.

​​I received an error when I try to order

We’ve partnered with ClickBank for handling the orders on our site. ClickBank is the leading retailer of digital products and has a very reliable ordering system. If the order page doesn't work please try again in a couple of minutes.

Can I pay by telephone or send a check?

We only accept online payments. In addition to credit cards, we also offer payments via PayPal.

We use a 3rd party processor(Clickbank) which handles the transaction to ensure safety and security

​​​Is it safe to buy online?

We only accept online payments. In addition to credit Absolutely! Our merchant processor, ClickBank, is the premier choice of businesses selling their products and services online. They have an excellent track record of safety and security for online purchases, any your information is NOT revealed to anyone else, not even us.

ClickBank's secured and approved merchant process is noted by a yellow lock at the bottom or top of the page during your order. Using the latest encrypting technology, 128-bit SSL ensures a safe and secure transaction.

What if my PC crashes and I lose all my files?

No problem. Once you order TedsWoodworking you will receive lifetime access to the member's area. If you lose access, simply contact support and you'll get the most updated plans

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